Sunday, December 27, 2009

On your mark...

We have started buying some of the "essentials" that Lily will need when we pick her up! So much fun to be shopping for a little girl again. DH's comment: "Wow-such tiny stuff is really expensive!" Little does he know that this is only the beginning. I'm trying to figure out which size to buy--- the paperwork we received with updated measurements states that she is at 8.5 kgs, her pediatrician says "no way!" I'm in a quandary-go with 9 month American sizes or 12 months? What to do? I just got her a little snowsuit that she will need when we are out and about in the village of Poyang-that is for a 12 month old. My father in law's partner tells me that is much too big! It is so hard to try and figure it out. Does anyone out there have any idea what the American equivalent of a size 8.5 shoe size in China is? That has me stumped! I've googled but no avail. I'm wondering if they mean her foot is 8.5 cms? Hmmm Maybe someone that has been there done that can help with that one. I'm also looking for a website that will translate Chinese names into English....Lily's name is Bo (after the orphanage where she was taken to) Bi Tao. I'm trying to figure out what Bi and Tao mean. Any help on that front would be great!

More soon,


Madeleine said...

When I went to Stride Rite to get some sneakers to take for our almost 3 year old daughter, they had a conversion chart there, and if I remember correctly, I bought her 7.5 american which was a 15 by Asian size.

By the way, she is BEAUTIFUL!!!

Brandy said...

Hi! First of all, congratulations. Let's see, I am pretty sure "Tao" means peaches. But "Bi Tao" together MAY means "Flowering Peaches" (guessing here).

Evelyn said...

try for translation and meaning of the individual components of her name. you can even get the chinese character and pronunciation.. very excited for you guys

Evelyn & Jesus

Leah Mei said...

Hi Lourdes,

Lilly looks really tiny, which Leah never was. The shoe size is probably not 8.5 in American sizes as that is what Leah wears now and she is 40 lbs! If you know Lilly's weight there are some stores that list sizes along with the weight. That helped us a lot and we also used Adelle from Blessed Kids who got us exact measurements a week or 2 before travel, it was very accurate and all our stuff fit.


Deana said...

I'm having the same concerns about sizing. I tried to buy diapers yesterday and got overwhelmed trying to make a decision so I gave up! My little girl weighs 7 kg right now.

Good luck!

fivekidz said...

Happy New Year!! How exciting to be so close to meeting your little sweetie. i have been home for 2 yrs with my lil girl and It is wonderful to shop for a daughter again!! I would suggest going easy on buying things here because of the unknown size.You should be able to purchase anything you need in China usually much cheaper and it is great to have things that were made in China for th Chinese people.There is a difference in style. i bought a snowsuit and boots for Zoe and although she has outgrown them she loves that they are from china too.(she's 5). to know for certain what her chinese name is you would need the chinese character.I did find that Bao( a combination of Bi and Tao means treasure which i though was very beautiful. I kept my daughters chinese name as given because she was over the age of 1 when abandoned so there is a chance that her birth parents gave her that name. usually the nannies name the babies. Here is a site that can help you identify meanings. pinyin is the written Bi or Tao. I found the most likely meanings below but you would have to compare the Chinese characters(bi has many diff may need to download something to be able to view the Chinese characters.
Bi means green jade
tao means peach
I hope this helps in some way good luck and enjoy this wonderful adventure you will soon be on. Peace and happiness Bonnie

anita said...

I am the proud mom of a Poyang baby. She was a tiny 17 lbs at 10 months. In China she wore a size 14 shoe(china sizes). In US sizes that was like an infant size 3. She wore 9 month clothes but they were lose while in China. She very quickly grew into a 12 month size.Congratulations on your beautiful daughter. We were in China in Jan 2008 and it was very cold. A snow suit plus a blanket was a must for the babies in our group.

Beckett Franklin Gray said...

I just found your blog and thanks for sharing.

And Congrats on your referral! We adopted from China in 2001. It has been a wonderful experience.

My non-profit recently published a new book on Chinese adoptive parenting.

“The Dragon Sisterhood: A Guide to Chinese Adoptive Parenting” .

It can be found on our blog:

I’m wondering if you wouldn’t mind sharing that with your readers.

Thanks!Beckett Gray